Monday, January 22, 2007

The Genuis of Max Alan Clark

By sheer intuition I Googled one of my best friends, Max Clark. Given his status, think of my shock when I uncovered a rather consistently kept-up but obviously somewhat secret blog of his from of old. I read a couple posts, and was not surprised by how insightful they were. But then I got hit by the most impressive fact. What packed the punch was that he hadn't touched it since he was like 15. I like that he gives credit where credit is due, not trying to steal the glory for good jokes and important insights. One thing he brought to a post was a quote from a younger boy he had met,

"it works in theory, but not in reality"
is wrong.

you just have a bad theory.
I agree, Max.


Anonymous said...

i love my friends so much, for many reasons including this.

Anonymous said...

you are such a creepy stalker, louis. seriously. who googles their friends? psyyyyyyyychoooooooo.