Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Brief Hiatus

Hey guys, I am going to stay off of Raw Atheology for the semester, as I am taking 23 units so that I can get denied my commencement by the elusive powers that be, so that I can move to Idaho and have my $150,000 piece of paper mailed to me.

When I first get to Idaho I will launch a 3-year reading campaign, in which I intend to read first about how to read. Then I will progress to reading about logic, the classics of interest to me that I haven't yet read, epistemology, philosophy of mind, pyschology, divine and human agency, cosmology (I hope to make this a major focus), arguments for and against the existence of God, arguments for and against Christianity, systematic theology, theology of the Kingdom, theology of mission, early church history, early church theology, the development of the canon,
predestination, and perhaps I will detour through existentialism at some point. I will be blogging about my findings and my musings.

I encourage the extant contributors to Raw Theology to post, and rest assured that I will read it. You can take this opportunity to critique all my crap, stack up posts in contrary to my views, and slander my name. I will be back to take you all down later. Peace.


Nick said...

love you loudogg

mclark said...

your life has always excited me.

Anonymous said...

i love ur movie i want to find ur books at the amityville library in new york well until next time stay strong and keep writing and filming bye

Anonymous said...

corie - aka "anonymous": shut up.

Anonymous said...

dude that totally wasn't me. when was the last time i used the word "ur"? also, anyone who knows me knows how important commas are to me. do you see any commas in that poorly-constructed sentence? no? oh that's because there aren't any. because i didn't write it.

shut up brianna