Friday, November 03, 2006

Steve Colbert Interviews Richard Dawkins on Comedy Central


Louis said...

"You can't just magic complex things into existence", says Dawkins.

When asked how the universe itself came into existence, he replies that scientists are working very hard on figuring that out.

My question of the day sidesteps emergence of life and natural selection as a means of speciation.

My question is, 'what justifies the commitment to finding a physicalistic explanation for the creation of the universe?'

Naturalists are debating over the extant theories, but they are all committed to looking to explain the universe with purely physical terms. Well, if we don't know for sure which physicalistic theory is true, then why have we prematurely narrowed our minds to exclude possible nonphysical factors at work at the beginning of the universe?

It seems that the naturalists like Dawkins are magicing the universe into existence.

Anonymous said...

I think my favorite part of all this is the fact that Stephen Colbert is a devout Catholic. I thought for sure he'd give Dawkins a harder beating. The man teaches Sunday school for crying out loud.

Also, I thought it was hilarious at the end when he was saying "Does that mean you surrender?". It totally reminded me of you (Louis).
